The Auto-topup System

WinSMS has an Automatic top-up (Auto-topup) system where you can set a low credit balance threshold, that once that threshold is reached, your credits will automatically be topped up.

How To Make Use Of The Auto-topup System

In order to use the Auto-topup system, you must have a WinSMS account. If you do not have an account, please click here to register.

There are different Auto-topup options for various WinSMS accounts.

A Main Account can only do an Auto-topup using a valid credit/debit card.

A Sub Account can either do an Auto-topup using a valid credit/debit card or it can Auto-topup using the Main Accounts credits.

Please note that any failure of an Auto-topup, for any reason, might disable the Auto-topup function, we recommend that you review your account’s Auto-topup settings after an Auto-topup failure.

Please click here for step by step instructions on how to enable the Auto-topup system on a Main or Sub Account using a credit/debit card.

Please click here for step by step instructions on how to enable the Auto-topup system on a Sub Account using the Main Accounts credits.

Below is important information and requirements for the various auto top-up options.

Auto-topup with a Main Account or Sub Account using a credit/debit card.

Enabling or changing credit/debit card:

For the Main Account – You must be logged into the main account.
For the Sub Account – You must be logged in as Sub Account, not Main Account
For the Sub Account – You must not already be configured for Auto-topup credit transfer from Main Account.
You have to agree to the Terms and Conditions.
You must have a valid credit/debit card.
Your card will be registered with our Virtual Card vendor, which will require that your card be 3D secure and a withdrawal of R1.00
You must have more current credits available than the specified credit threshold.
You must select to purchase at least as many credits as the specified threshold.

Changing threshold or purchase quantity once activated:

This can be done at any time while logged in, there is no need to re-register with our Virtual Card Vendor.
You must have more current credits than the specified credit threshold.
You must select to purchase at least as many credits as the specified threshold.


This can be done at any time, while logged into the Main or Sub Account.
Re-enabling will require the entire Enabling procedure to be repeated.


Auto-topups are triggered when credits reach or drop below the specified credit threshold as a result of Sending SMS messages.

Note: Auto-topups are NOT triggered when credits drop below the threshold for any reason OTHER than sending SMS messages. Eg. An Auto-topup credit transfer to a Sub Account, transferring credits using the Client Zone or via the API. When an Auto-topup is NOT triggered (attempted), this is NOT considered a failure, and NO notification is sent to the account holder via an email or an SMS message.

On Success:

The account holder is notified via an SMS message and an Email of the transaction.

On Failure:

The account holder is notified via an SMS message and an Email of the failed transaction.
Please note that any failure of an Auto-topup, for any reason, might disable the Auto-topup function, we recommend that you review your account’s Auto-topup settings after an Auto-topup failure.

Trigger Interval:

There is a minimum interval of 30 minutes enforced between Auto-topup transactions.
If a second Auto-topup is triggered within 30 minutes of the first, the second Auto-topup will be queued to happen 30 minutes after the first succeeded.


If current credits ever drop below the threshold without successfully triggering an Auto-topup (eg. because of a credit/debit card failure, or while manually transferring credits), we recommend that you review your account’s Auto-topup settings after an Auto-topup failure.

If an SMS batch send is calculated to take your remaining credits below 0, the batch send will NOT be allowed. This will happen regardless of whether you have enabled an Auto-topup for the account, or not. This is one of the reasons to set Auto-Topup thresholds to high values.

Low credit balance notifications are sent when an account reaches the specified notification threshold. This will happen regardless of whether you have enabled an Auto-topup for the account, or not. This can be avoided by setting the low credit notification threshold to 0, or a very high value.

Auto-topup with a Sub Account using the Main Accounts credits.

Enabling Credit Auto-topup for Sub Account from Main Account:

You must be logged in as Main Account.
The Sub Account must NOT already be configured for Auto-topup by credit card.
You need to go to the Sub Account’s settings page on the ‘Sub Account’ tab in Client Zone to configure Auto-topup.
There is no Agreement to Terms and Conditions required.
Sub Account must have more current credits than the specified credit threshold.
You must select to transfer at least as many credits as the specified threshold for Sub Account.

Changing threshold or transfer quantity once activated:

This can be done at any time while logged in, there is no need to re-register with our Virtual Card Vendor.
You must be logged in as the Main Account.
You must have more current credits than the specified credit threshold.
You must select to transfer at least as many credits as the specified threshold.


This can be disabled and enabled at any time, while logged into the Main Account.


Auto-topups are triggered when credits reach or drop below the specified credit threshold as a result of Sending SMS messages.

Note: Auto-topups are NOT triggered when credits drop below the threshold for any reason OTHER than sending SMS messages. Eg. Transferring credits using the Client Zone or via the API. When an Auto-topup is NOT triggered (attempted), this is NOT considered a failure, and NO notification is sent to the account holder via an email or an SMS message.

On Success:

The account holder is notified via an SMS message and an Email of the transaction.

On Failure:

The account holder is notified via an SMS message and an Email of the failed transaction.
Please note that any failure of an Auto-topup, for any reason, might disable the Auto-topup function, we recommend that you review your account’s Auto-topup settings after an Auto-topup failure.

Trigger Interval:

There is NO minimum interval enforced between Auto-topup transfers.


If current credits ever drop below the threshold without successfully triggering an ATU (eg. because of insufficient credits in the Main Account, or while manually transferring credits), we recommend that you review your account’s Auto-topup settings after an Auto-topup failure.

If an SMS batch send is calculated to take the Sub Account’s remaining credits below 0, the batch send will NOT be allowed. This will happen regardless of whether you have enabled an Auto-topup for the Sub Account, or not.

Low credit balance notifications are sent when an account reaches the specified notification threshold. This will happen regardless of whether you have enabled an Auto-topup for the account, or not. This can be avoided by setting the low credit notification threshold to 0, or a very high value.

If you need any assistance please don’t hesitate to contact us here.

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